Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Las Vegas Apartments - Great Downtown Living

So what is it about downtown Las Vegas that has people just dying to live here? Is it the casinos, you wonder? Is downtown LV a consummate community of gamblers? Well, not exactly. Downtown Las Vegas is very far removed from what we might consider the conventional view of Las Vegas, the kind of bright-lights, big city motif. At the same time, though, there's nothing dull about this location.

Moving into the 21st century, the downtown of Las Vegas offers all of the best attributes of the modern world coupled with the sweetest memories of the last. Bright lights, a vibrant energy you can feel in your veins; downtown is popular with the bright young things - tweens, teens, and twenty-somethings - for its collection of hip places to hang out, coffee shops, restaurants and bars, exciting entertainment venues, and more. Popular with professionals as well, downtown is conveniently located near major transportation networks for the city; then again, you may not have to travel very far, as most of the major offices and corporate headquarters for the Las Vegas areas, well, they tend to be downtown too.

For parents, couples, kids, and the elderly - and that should cover your major groups - downtown has just about everything you need to live and enjoy the good life. It's about well-stocked and accessible grocery stores, 24-hour pharmacies, great schools, safe play areas, and plenty of friendly neighborhood hangout spots in the area's shopping mall and other community centers in the area.

And downtown is aesthetically charming as well, definitely catching up with the strip. There's nothing stopping downtown Las Vegas residents from enjoying the tourist attractions of the neighborhood either. When you have a weekend to spare or friends in town, why not treat yourself with a trip to the Wild West and some great outdoor recreation. Beyond the glamour and glitter of the neon lights, Las Vegas is tantalizingly close to the breathtaking Red Rock National Conservation area, Lake Mead National Recreation area, and Mount Charleston. If you're feeling particularly adventurous and want to mark a special occasion, living in Las Vegas there's nothing stopping you taking a helicopter tour of the Grand Canyon, Hoover Dam, and the Las Vegas Strip one sunny afternoon.

Best of all, though, you can enjoy living in an area that puts all of these great amenities and features at your fingertips, serves them to you on a plate, all while you're the proud inhabitant of a charming, familial apartment; affordable, clean, and perfectly safe.

Downtown offers unparalleled benefits to its residents without making them pay for it each month with sky-high rents. Family apartments in the Las Vegas downtown can go for anything between about $500 and $1000 per month, but apply that as a cost of living and you'll quickly see why living in a downtown Las Vegas Apartment is really something that everyone wants to do.

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