Sunday, November 7, 2010

Las Vegas drug dealing

Some say that the drug scene is Las Vegas really bad. Others say that the drug scene mostly at the bar near the Strip and Nudie. This simply is not so in fact the whole city. For example, near Nellis Air Force Base in North Las Vegas. Yes, you do not believe me, try the Wal-Mart parking lot is incredible, and around the military base go in the direction of the casino.

Many soldiers say, "drugs are stupid, I do not understandreally, but then I've never done before, all I know. "

In fact, I refer to what the military people say, but the drug problem in the United States is on and it's really up to Las Vegas to perform, not just the strip. I know that the FBI is setting Kiffer account and that the tests of tapered problem in our society. But we must get rid of that crystal meth is really bad news for the bodies of people and I do not think I wouldpay increased health care costs, our civilization will be in the coming years the plague. Things like heart attack at the age of 35 and renal out rotten. We can not afford as a nation, health care costs are already causing losses and leads to failure is established as GM last week.

A recent visitor to Las Vegas told our investigative team looking for a job with little space around the king;

"I do not think that I, in most of the city, butfor social work is what I can do for a living and dealing with drug addicts that part I hate most of my work, I might reconsider what to do. "

The best parts of Las Vegas are the areas of North-West, Centennial, Henderson, Seven Hills area. But the middle class there are children who are mostly from southern California, and many are part-time drug dealers and gang members, so that the problem in the area, perhaps not in the open, but it's still there. We weresaid the visitor, that the same;

"There is a Wal-Mart is based a few blocks from the Air Force. I went there to run and there were some black chick with drugs right outside the door. Walking've been around for about an hour and when I left. because it was drugs and I went with the right mouse button in the middle of an exchange, the guards were blacks, and both were just completely ignore what they did, so that they know and are a part of it - or justreceived a setback. There was meth, they sell. "

In reality, this is a place in the area that our investigative team was posing problems for drugs, so it figures, is that high risk is identified, so bad that some say the businessmen that is not do, "G-damn person in this city, which pays the rent" This is what we were in no uncertain terms by many small and medium-sized businesses, including a couple of staff officers, who told us that he said, .. 'It's really disgusting, we drug testeverything is safe weed them fast! "

When our respondents went on the story, he said;

"I did leave my dirty look better, they know that I knew what I was doing. She walked away and the guard came and sat in his vehicle to the right of the van, while I sat there reading the newspaper. Vide Not satisfied with me. I know that there is no perfect place, but I never expected to see so much in a few hours after arriving in town. "

We told them, callNorth Las Vegas Police, take care of them, they hang at Starbucks on the highway near the other Wal-Mart, Craig and Martin Luther King Boulevard. At night you can see the entire police force, good guys, the safest place in the whole damned. We told her to go into a digital image of the woman, and that no one will do something. This is the problem. You see. In addition, our study team also interviewed the task force group of drugs, and theirtold us, for everything that gives you bust more willing to take their place on the day after 5.

America, we are missing about the war on drugs in most of our larger cities and most of our children. We must work together to get these drugs from our streets, as they are melting and deformation of the brain of the minds of our society. Think about it.

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